Τετάρτη 3 Ιουνίου 2015

A tmux quick tutorial

A quick guide for the utility called tmux (terminal multiplexer) that allows you to open windows, split the terminal screen etc
First of all tmux is really handy when it comes to ssh connections allows you to have more than one terminal to work with, second important thing is that it's easy to use.

First we need to install it...

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install tmux

then we open up a terminal and type
now the screen is clear and a bottom bar has appeared, so how we do split the screen?
Vertical split: Ctrl+b (we release the keys) and then % (Shift+5)
Horizontal split: Ctrl+b (we release the keys) and then " (Shift+')

Toggle between  panes: Ctrl+b o or Ctrl+b and arrows
Close current panes: Ctrl+b x or just exit
Close all panes except the current: Ctrl+b !

Create a Window: Ctrl+b c
Switch to a new window: Ctrl+b n
-//- -//- previous window: Ctrl+b p

There are many other useful key combination that you can see by typing 
man tmux
I hope that guide was useful to you. 

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